Thursday, January 29, 2015

6 Months!

January 25, 2015

Well, it’s official. I have been in the field for 4 months and on my mission for 6. How crazy is that???? Well, I got the transfer call today, and I will be staying in Daejeon, but elder beard is leaving. My new companion is elder warren, from my mtc district!!!! I am soooo excited!! He is the best missionary ever and we will do some good work together. I really couldn’t be more excited to work with him.

We have been meeting with this lady named jungju lee, and she knows the bible crazy well. It’s hard, because the lessons have been more like competitions, so I’m excited to try to change things up later and just testify and read the BOM with her. I think that is the best method.

WE also have another guy named chanjo park who once had a baptismal date, but since his wife goes to another church, he couldn’t get baptized. He said he can’t even read the bom now because of her. It’s a super hard situation because we don’t want to break up their family, but this is more important.

Well, there really isn’t that much else to say honestly. Things are going well, but I also know that they are going to get even better!! Thanks for all the love and support everyone. I miss you, but wouldn’t have it any other way. Sorry it’s so short and boring, but that’s that. And my spelling is as bad as ever. Stupid typing. Love you all!!!!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Daejeon Mission Pictures

Not Too Shabby

January 18, 2015

Alright!! Well, to set the stage, 2 weeks ago we had 3 appointments the entire week. Well, on Thursday this week, we had 4 appointments all in 1 day!!!! 2 of them were with new people that have some good potential. 1 of them knows the bible craz well and said that she is waiting for a, what????? except she might be a member of this suuuuper insane crazy church here, so that would be bad. we'll find out tomorrow!!! the other is a Chinese guy that wants to learn English, but cant read. man, English is super hard!!!!!
On Saturday, for our English class, we watched the JS movie, boy do I love that one!! I invite you all to watch that again, especially if any doubts come about JS and the man that he was. So inspiring!!!!!
We met with Jo Ooyong again and talked about baptism some more. He says he thinks that the Mormons are the closest to Christ's original church, so we just need to snatch him now!!!! but he has his own church he goes to so can't come on Sundays...hmmmm....pray for him!!!
On Sunday, my favorite man ever invited us over for dinner. He is Mongolian and can't speak Korean or English, yet I know more about him than any other member. haha we met him and his wife and they are suuuper inspirational. they have such a hard life but are devoting everything so their kids back in Mongolia can live well.

 Anyways, no pictures this week but it was probably the best one so far. thanks for all the support and once again sorry for the spelling. oops, my bad.
Love, Elder Anderson

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Bible Bashers, Homeless Haters, and Deaconesses

January 11, 2015

Alrighty! This week was a little bit unique, which is good because the same old stuff can get boring. We knocked doors and actually got in a house!! That is HUGE in Korea!!!!! It usually only happens once or twice during a mission. We talked to this kid who is studying the bible and introduced the Book of Mormon, it went really well! But when we got up to leave, his mom took the book and tried to give it back saying that they already have a bible. She is a deaconess and a big church lady. The kid fought her on it saying that he wants it, but we haven’t been able to contact him since. We will try knocking again soon.

We also sat by this homeless guy once and started talking with him. When we got up, this lady started talking to us saying that we shouldn’t be serving people like him. It was really strange and sad!!! We were trying to be like Christ, but were attacked for being nice to someone. So odd!!!

We started talking to this teenager and it turns out he wants to be a pastor, so we got into my first real bible bash scenario. It was really strange too. We tried to have him read Moroni’s promise, but he refused because he said that the bom and our church is from Satan. It kinda hurt! People are so irrational and think they know everything about us, but they don’t!!!

I got an interview with pres and it helped a lot. He said that he noticed that I was special when I first came, and that I need to be ready to be in charge this next transfer coming up in 3 weeks. Uh oh!!!! I can’t be senior yet!!! I can barely speak Korean at all!! ahhh but I know if I get the call, it is from the lord. And since this is the Lord's work, He will not let me fail. But who knows what will happen. I could stay cosenior, or go back to junior. Whatever happens, I’m still on the Lord's errand! And that is definitely a good time to me!

I love you all., thanks for all that you do and your support!!

Love, Elder Anderson
burgers with ramen patties and buns

The effects of walking around the entire day. haha

me and elder beard went bowling!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Start of a New Year

January 5, 2015

Alright, here we go to the new year! We started it off by going on a hike as a district on new years to watch the first sunrise of the year.  It was fun, but painfully cold. One of the coldest times I have ever been in my life. Ouch!!! And we couldn’t even see the sun....haha oh well

Hmm, I went on a split with elder tischner my mtc comp, and it was literally the best day ever!!! He has the best attitude in the world, and we were able to relate on a lot of the same struggles we were having. So good!

We found a former investigator who had a baptismal date once upon a time. He said that he wants to be baptized, but he is insanely busy with his 4 restaurants that it is suuuper hard to meet with him. His name is kim geeyong.  Please pray for him. 

We shared Alma 36 with a couple people this week. Please read it and try to find the point where almas pain was replaced with joy. We can all learn from it.

Funny story!!! I tried to buy a $300 watch for $30...hahhahah silly foreigners!! Yup, that was pretty embarrassing

Well, not a whole lot else to report on. Just trying to find someone out here that is willing to listen to this free, but priceless message. Being a missionary is super tough, but also extremely rewarding. Thank you for all your support and love. I am so grateful for all of you and your examples.

Elder Anderson

Sorry for the spelling. speed typing is really hard!!

One more thing! We talked with jo ooyong about baptism and starting a new life. please pray for him to consider it and feel the spirit pushing him to do it. thank you!!!!

 New Year's Hiking




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Merry christmas everyone!!! For being in a super buddhist country, christmas was pretty good!!! Of course, skyping was the highlight, but we got to eat some super expensive, delicious food at a buffet which was great!!! sorry for the spelling, I'm not a good speed typer. We went caroling on christmas eve as a zone which was really fun. on the bus back, i talked to a guy and he actually accepted a BOM, yay!! so that made christmas eve pretty good too. I have found that i am happiest when i am sharing the message that i have been called to share. but it is still really hard to open my mouth. I'm getting much better though!

We got in contact with our college investigator again!! she came to english class and we met with her and sis shin afterward. we did the first lesson again and it was super great! the words seem to just flow out and it was a super cool experience. But its all up to her as to whether or not she keeps her commitments and desires an answer. darn agency.

The old guy we meet with all the time said that the only reason we are here and believe this church is because our parents raised us that way. it was pretty hurtful actually. And since members of other churches think theirs is true and pray also, he doesnt think that we are really different and won't really take us seriously. he just listens and tries to come up with ways to combat us. and since he refuses to pray, he will never find out for himself. he just wants us to logically prove it right. super frustrating!!

But jo ooyong seems to be doing well. he says he feels good when meeting with us, so hopefully we can capitalize on that.

Well, i hope you all had a merry christmas and remember christ all throughout the year. thanks for all the support!!!
Elder Anderson